12 pound lake toho bass

Spring Lake Toho Fishing Report

Spring has sprung and so have the bass! With the fish mainly into the post spawn season now and the weather becoming consistent, the bite on Orlando’s Lake Toho has become very consistent. We’re averaging 15-20 bass on our 4 hour charters with our captains getting over 30 some days. The size has been good also, 3 pounders have been the average size with 4 pounders being very common, along with 7+ pounders being reeled in by a few of our charters everyday! All in all the lake is setting up for a killer summer of fishing with areas of […]

10 pound 12 ounce lake Toho bass

February-March Lake Toho fishing report

Now that the cold of January is over with, the bass are in full spawn mode and the big girls are coming in! We’re currently averaging 15-20 bass a day on our 4 hour charters with 7+ pounders becoming common. These two months are the best time of year for catching a trophy sized bass. Right now the females are all full of eggs and weigh a pound or two more! With it being in the middle of the spawn here the bass are spread out throughout the lake. They don’t all spawn at once here and it’s a long […]

7 pound 9 ounce Lake Toho bass

Fall Lake Toho Fishing Report

The bass fishing on Orlando’s Lake Toho this fall remains excellent. While the lake is filling up with hydrilla and peppergrass, the remaining areas are loaded with bass. Once you get in one of the areas that are still fishable 20-30 fish days are still the average on our charters. And if you’re looking for a big one, this is a great time. As temps begin to cool down we’re getting 7+ pound bass more and more frequently. Finding large holes in the grass is the key. There’s a lot of hydrilla and peppergrass on the lake, more than I’ve […]

Lake Toho double up

Summer Lake Toho fishing report

The bass fishing on Lake Toho this summer has been some of the most consistent we’ve ever seen, and it’s due to some unique circumstances. Right now we have more hydrilla on the lake than ever before, and the invasive grass has actually made for some excellent bass fishing. The water, which typically has a algae bloom at this time of year, is the cleanest I have ever seen during the summer, and the bass are loving it. We are averaging an incredible 30+ bass a day right now on just our 4 hour trips. With 40+ fish days happening […]

Lake Toho 7 pound bass

August Lake Toho Fishing Report

The bass fishing on Orlando’s Lake Toho has remained excellent this summer! We’re continuing to average 20- 30 bass on our charters with 5+ pounders remaining common. The recent Icast cup which was held on the lake by Major League fishing, and had a 3 fish limit, was won with an incredible 21lbs! With the heat of the summer here the best bite is during the first few hours of the morning when these fish binge feed, so these numbers are all coming from our shorter 2.5-4 hour trips. The reason for the consistently good fishing we’re experiencing is because […]

Winter Lake Toho fishing forecast

Lake Toho Winter Fishing Forecast

The winter time here in Florida is widely regarded as the best time to catch that monster bass that you’ve been looking for, and it without a doubt is. More bass over 10-pounds are caught on Orlando’s Lake Toho in the winter time than any other time of year. The picture above showcases just some of the trophy bass that we caught last January, February, and March. And I don’t doubt that we’ll beat that number this year. Last year we had some unstable weather with hurricane Irma hitting us in the fall. This year the weather has been a […]

October Lake Toho Fishing Report

It’s the Fall and we’re in a transition period here in Orlando Florida. The day’s are getting cooler and as always at this time of year the FWC (Florida Wildlife Commision) has begun to spray and kill off the hydrilla in Lake Toho. Now you may be wondering why would they do this? Well it’s not without good reason. Hydrilla in Lake Toho during the summer here in Florida grows extremely fast. Up to 2 inches a day in some cases. While it is great for the fishing it tends to overrun portions of the lake, like bass spawning flats […]

Giant Lake Toho bass

Lake Toho July Fishing Report

The bass fishing on Lake Toho here in Central Florida this summer has been as good as it ever gets. The State of Florida and Corps of Engineers has lowered the lake levels this summer an extra foot further than they usually do for summer pool levels. In total the lake is three and a half feet down from it’s winter time pool level. These low water levels in the lake have forced the bass out of the maidencane grass fields into open areas of the lake and on the edges of the grass. This has caused the fish to […]

A Day for the Record Books

This year the spring bass fishing here on Lake Toho has been absolutely phenomenal. Because of the lower than average water levels a majority of the bass have congregated on outside grass edges and offshore vegetation and brushpiles in massive schools. Which has lead to some of the best fishing this lake has ever seen. Whether it’s been a live bait trip or artificials we have had some fantastic day’s these past 2 months. But one trip that our Captain Dumas did just two day’s ago with 3 clients was extra special. They all went out expecting it to be […]

Florida spring time bass

Spring Fishing Report

The Florida bass fishing here on West Lake Tohopekaliga has been phenomenal this spring. Because of restoration work that is being done on the Kissimmee River South of Lake Toho water levels are lower than usual. These conditions have forced Lake Toho bass to the outside edges of the maidencane grass fields. This has caused bass to group up in large concentrations in boat cuts and pockets on the outside edge of the grass field. There is also an open-water aspect to the bass fishing on Lake Toho this year. With great numbers of fish staging over top of Eel […]