9 pound Orlando bass

How to fish Lake Toho during the winter time (February Lake Toho fishing report)

It’s my favorite time of year for bass fishing here on Lake Toho in Orlando Florida. The weathers nice but more importantly the bass are biting and they’re biting allllll day. That’s right, it doesn’t really seem to matter what time you go out you’re gonna catch them. I’ve been averaging 20 to 40 fish a day on my guide trips! Some days more than that. Even after cold fronts. It’s unbelievable. I’ve been slacking on writing fishing reports simply because I’ve been fishing everyday trying to experience every last minute of this! But I’m going to make up for […]

giant lake toho bass

August Lake Toho fishing report

Because the FWC has halted the use of chemicals to kill off unwanted grass the lake as a whole is in a much better state than it has been in a long time. Healthy grass can be seen all over the lake and even healthier bass are being caught. As long as the FWC can keep the invasive hydrilla from over taking the lake with their hydrilla harvesters the lake should be producing record numbers of bass in the coming years! Rain, rain, and more rain has pretty much described the weather we’ve had. But luckily the rain has been […]

Lake Toho May Fishing Report

The bass fishing is much different now than is was last year at this time on Lake Toho. That’s because the way the lake is being managed is far different from last year. Because of the issues down on the big O (Okeechobee) the FWC halted all spray operations for the state in late October. They conducted public meetings with the intention of finding out how the public wanted the lakes to be managed. What they found out was that the people wanted the hydrilla to be mostly left in the lakes. Instead of spraying it with chemicals and constantly […]